Sunday, April 3, 2011

A600: Booting from USB

I wouldn't say that the following is exactly an update, but more of a successful test!

Dunno how many of you tried it in the past with success... but I present you Amiga 600 booting from USB stick

You only need to insert in a custom Kickstart the following files:
  • subwayusb.device (or device that you have for USB)
  • hub.class
  • massstorage.class
  • poseidon.library
  • PSDStackLoader (this must be the one you're using now and works)

The tricky part is that it didn't fit in my Custom Kickstart Image since Poseidon.library was huge!
Thankfully I got some space, leaving Workbench.library outside the Kickstart, and putting it in LIBS: which worked a treat \o/

It's not for my everyday usage, but really cool I might add!
