Yep it's a piece of art and fits like a glove along with the other hardware that co-existed!

Good thing is that the extra socket I putted in the past for raising a bit the Indivision ECS (hacked in A603) for the Apollo to co-exist is a lot better since without it... mounting the clockport cable would be difficult!
Since I had some time off today I thought of making the extra mod in my beloved HxC SD Floppy Emulator in order for me to be able to also "Write" instead of only "Reading" floppy images.
The mod exists in Jeff's Release notes (that can be downloaded with the new firmware from his website) and consists of 4xResistors, 1xCapacitor and 1xMicrochip.
Well since finding the microchip was a pain in the butt to find locally I ordered it from eBay so while waiting for it to arrive... I used a socket instead to finish my mod

Cool isn't it

OK here are now all put-up together
And to finish this post...
Here's some photos of the case (semi) closed and WB up and running.
1st pic is a ClassicWB AdvSp installation (DH0@PFS3) while 2nd pic is a OS3.9 (DH1@PFS3) installation. Both reside in 2 different partitions in the CF drive selectable via Early Startup Menu.
Well for a old ECS machine... I'm pretty well proud!
I'd like to thank d0pefish and Cammy for sharing some info and ideas that helped me a lot!
Cheers and more to come soon

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